3 Reasons To Say ‘Thank You’ More Often


Two simple words with a magic effect.

words Zahwah Bagharib

There are two words in this world that should be said more often. Two simple words that when said sincerely can have a huge impact on the person receiving it, and the person saying it.

Thank you.

We live in a society where saying ‘Thank you’ needs to come with a special occasion, but I think saying ‘Thank you’ should roll off our tongues as easily as a ‘Hello’.

It may seem that saying ‘Thank you’ only benefits the person we’re saying it to but truthfully when you thank someone, it makes you feel good inside as well. It’s as though the two words have some sort of magic effect on the human mind -- so go ahead and make someone’s day. Here are some reasons why we should say ‘Thank you’ more often.


Saying ‘Thank you’ humbles you.

When you thank someone sincerely, it makes you a more humble person as you’re left with a sense of gratitude for the things or actions the person has done for you. You acknowledge that someone may have gone out of his or her way to help you and that you appreciate them. It may also inspire you to help others the way others have helped you.

You may never know who needed to feel appreciated.

I’ve personally experienced this myself -- after a long day of feeling like I didn’t matter, a simple ‘Thank you’ from someone made me feel appreciated. Just two simple words but it felt as though I was seen and that I matter. The bottom line is, we never know what someone else is going through or how they’re feeling that day, so if you see an opportunity to thank someone for their work or effort, take it.


It’s easy and kind.

Whether it was the bus uncle who waited for you to board the bus or the aunty who helped to clear your plates at the food court, saying ‘Thank you’ won’t hurt anyone at all. It’s a simple and kind thing to do, but it definitely carries a lot of weight.

Imagine if everyone said ‘Thank you’ and it creates a ripple effect of gratitude from one person to another -- wouldn’t it make our society a more kind and appreciative one? Saying ‘Thank you’ is a habit we should never take for granted.

So let’s give this some serious thought — when was the last time you sincerely thanked someone?


About the author:

Zahwah is a self-taught digital marketer, cupcake monster and enjoys writing in her free time.