Mental Health and Educators


Mental health is for everyone.

On Teacher’s Day, we want to say thank you to all the educators out there. For the educators that tell their students that mindset matters. Yet do not always allow themselves space to receive those same messages of reflection and self-care. Being an educator is definitely not an easy job, so we’ve asked a few of our educator friends how they juggle their careers and their mental health.


Bryana H, 22

Preschool Teacher

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photography and words by @bryanahuang

What gets you up in the morning?

I always look forward to seeing the kids in school! Working in the preschool industry is exciting as every day is unpredictable. 

Greeted by smiles & hugs when I enter the classroom, the children never fail to make my day. Teaching young children makes me feel like I have a purpose in life, as I see them improve and pick up new skills each day. The children make me feel appreciated, and it gets me motivated to achieve more the next day.

I also plan my to-do list the night before. Every morning, I would lie in bed for a few minutes to recall what I need to do for the day and get myself up to work on achieving them.

How do you unwind at the end of a school day?

I go for spin classes from time to time! It helps to release my stress & emotions after a long day at work. 

Back at home, I will spend at least 30 minutes reflecting on my day, jotting down what I have done in a day, as well as my tasks & goals for the next day. Not only that, I will also spend time doing crossword puzzles, pack my stuff, edit my pictures & scroll through my social media platforms.

If I’m feeling motivated that day, I will do at least one teaching plan at night or do research on my phone for ideas on classroom resources before I head to bed.

What's your approach to self-care and mental health?

To take care of others, you have to first start by taking care of yourself. Overwhelming stress can take a toll on your mental health. Hence it is essential to take breaks from time to time!

We teachers may have lots of work to do even after working hours, but it is important to set out time for work and leisure. 

Music plays a massive role in my life! I love to sit and just listen to music and it tends to soothe my emotions. All it takes is a piece of great music to change my mood!

Due to the current pandemic restrictions, we can’t quite travel overseas. Hence, I would spend my off day either resting at home, heading out for beauty appointments, go on retail therapy, or even book a staycation for a weekend getaway! It makes me feel recharged and ready for a new week at work.


Wan Nur Riny, 26

Secondary School Educator


photography and words by @antoiniettee

What gets you up in the morning?

I have to wake up very early on a school day so it’s a struggle every morning. But I do find realigning my intentions and setting achievable goals for the day to be helpful motivations. I ask myself: Why am I doing this? Is this beneficial for my personal growth?

How do you unwind at the end of a school day?

Teachers usually don’t have any energy left at the end of the day so I always look forward to a nice dinner while catching up on my favourite shows on Netflix/Disney+. A quick dance party at home helps too especially when you just want to do something mindless and squeeze in a workout session! 

What’s your approach to self-care and mental health?

ALWAYS prioritise self-care no matter how busy you are. Listen to your body’s needs and try not to get too influenced by the hustle culture. To me, life is a marathon; we need to take care of our physical and mental well-being first so we can give our best to others. Personally, I make sure I have a fixed sleep schedule (cause I can’t function on a sleep deficit) and set aside rest days (usually the day before a school day) to recharge mentally and prepare for the upcoming week. I also like to arrange mini treat-yourself activities (eating good food, watching movies, trying out a new activity, and hanging out with friends/family) so I have something to look forward to every week! There is more to life than just marking scripts and planning lessons!


Suruthi R, 22

Enrichment Class Tutor

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photography and words by @fruthii

 What gets you up in the morning?

I am always excited to help my students learn as much as they possibly can… but what really helps is a strong cup of coffee! In all seriousness, I do get pretty excited for classes the night before because I start looking forward to seeing my favorite students who make the long hours go by really fast. They always say the most hilarious things and sometimes even give me their favorite stickers, which always makes waking up early totally worth it. Plus, if I’m feeling like I have to drag myself out of bed, then I’m sure most of my students are feeling it too, so the solidarity in the situation is a big motivator as well.

How do you unwind at the end of a school day?

Right after classes end, I’m usually quite dazed and have to spend a couple of minutes collecting my thoughts. Afterwards, as counterintuitive as it sounds, I like to go out for a nice meal with my friends after most school days. It’s always nice getting to share everything that happened during classes and recounting this also helps me to process things and think about students who need more help or how I can do better as a teacher. Once I get home though, I HAVE to take a steaming hot shower and spend a while at my desk watching Netflix. Though recently I’ve been playing Stardew Valley instead. 

What's your approach to self-care and mental health?

I think what helps me most is taking days off seriously, and not thinking about classes or my students. This ensures that I am actively maintaining a life separate from teaching, and it also gives me the time to do things I’ve always enjoyed. I think it’s important to take care and think of yourself as much as you do for your students because kids pick up on energies pretty easily and can tell when you aren’t feeling well mentally. That’s a big motivation for me to always make sure I don’t forget about my own mental health. Going for a swim on my off days is especially relaxing and helps me reset for the week.


Shazielah Rahim, 30

Primary School Educator

Shazielah Rahim.JPG

photography and words by @shazizzles

What gets you up in the morning?

I suppose for me, my biggest motivation to go to work is really the kids. I enjoy interacting with them on a daily basis and I enjoy seeing their face light up when they learn something new or find my jokes funny 😅 I do what I do because I really believe in moulding the kids into the best versions of themselves. Some of them are unaware of their own capabilities and I’d like to think that I can be that person to guide them. I try to be someone they can come to for anything under the sun because I strongly believe in creating a safe space for them. I feel uneasy whenever I have to take sick leave especially when big changes are happening (updated safe management measures or the unfortunate RVHS incident) because I feel like I need to be there for the kids and to help them navigate the situation and their feelings. I want the kids to feel safe with me. So, it’s really about the kids. 

How do you unwind at the end of a school day?

After a whole day of teaching, counseling, mentoring, marking and whatever else, I’m pretty much physically and mentally drained. Usually, I will take a quick power nap before my own kids come home from school so that I will feel more energised to spend time with them in the evening. If I don’t have the time for that power nap, even a quick episode of “Friends” on Netflix will help me unwind before I begin my homely duties. I think it’s important to just give yourself a breather at the end of a school day before you continue with your other set of responsibilities. You can’t run on an empty tank. 

What's your approach to self-care and mental health?

For me, I believe in daily self care, with the occasional treats here and there. It is as small as making sure that I have my daily dose of vitamin C in the morning before I start my day or that cup of coffee to compose myself before stepping into class. I also go for regular chiropractic sessions to ensure that my nervous system is well-maintained so I can be at my best self at work and at home. Of course, treating myself to body massages and scrumptious desserts won’t hurt either! I also believe in sorting my priorities and knowing when to take breaks. At the end of the day, work will never end so if I can afford that one day to not stay back and do work, I will take it. It really helps in the long run.