Crazycat Gets Cosy: Mending Relationships

21 NOVEMBER 2019

7-9 PM



We ended 2019 with a session to talk about relationships, particularly the ones that we've lost.

While we see many great relationships celebrated in daily lives and on social media, we acknowledge that sometimes there are relationships that we have lost due to conflicts, misunderstandings, differences and maybe even distance. How do we handle these 'lost' relationships? Are there hopes to mend them? How do we grow from them?

It was the first time that we had a clinical psychologist at our cosy sessions and we’re thankful that Dr. Sanveen Kang from Psych Connect was able to join us to lend her support and expertise. 

Here are a couple of key takeaways from the session:

1. People come into our lives with a purpose

2. Prioritise the relationship you have with yourself

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank our kind partners that made this session possible - our venue partner JustCo and sponsor OzWorks Therapy.